after hitting my 2B fast twitch muscle fibers in week one, it’s now time to hit
my 2A fast twitch muscle fibers in week 2. This week will focus on a higher rep
range meaning I’ll also be lower the weights.
I’ll be making sure I keep perfect form by really focusing on the muscles I’ll
be using and also keep my rest periods down to 60 seconds. One last thing I
want to add is although the program specifies a certain rep range (week 1: 8-10
reps and week 2: 14-16 reps) I always hit the top end.
mental error that a lot of people make when lifting weights is they’ll say to
themselves or their gym partner that they’re aiming for 12 but would be happy
with 8. So come the 8th rep they’ve mental achieve what they’d be
happy with and they’re beaten and their gym partner either has to spot the last
4 or they just give up. When the real goal and what they should be aiming for is 12
reps. Just think back to previous sessions or when you first started training
and I’m sure you’ll be guilty of this, I know I am on countless times and
that’s why now if I say I’m going for 12, I’m going to hit 12! Even if that
means incorporating res pause, make sure you hit that 12 and don’t be mentally
So below
are my training logs for the second week of the program. As of next week I’ll
be posting them in a slightly different format along with the weights I used on
each set.
DAY 1: Quads & Hamstrings
(warm up) Hack Squats: 8 – 10 reps
x 4
Hack Squats: 14 - 16 reps x 4
Smith Machine Front Squats: 14 - 16 reps
x 4
Leg Extensions: 14 - 16 reps x 4
(warm up) Lying Hamstring Curl: 8 - 10
reps x 4
Lying Hamstring Curl: 14 - 16 reps x 4
Single Hamstring Curl: 14 - 16 reps x 4
Stiff Leg Dumbbell deadlift: 14 - 16
reps x 4
(60 seconds rest between sets)
DAY 2: Chest & Triceps
up) Pec Deck: 8 -10 reps x 3
Deck: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Smith Press: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Flyes: 12 - 14 reps x 2
Dumbbell Press: 12 - 14 reps x 2
up) Seated Overhead Press: 8 10 reps x 4
Overhead Press: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Dips: 12 - 14 reps x 2
EZ Bar
Skull Crush: 12 - 14 reps x 2
Tricep Push Down: 12 - 14 reps x 3
DAY 3:
Rest Day
DAY 4:
Back & Biceps
up) Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 8 – 10 reps x 4
Grip Pulldown: 12 - 14 reps x 4
Row: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Cable Row: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Pulls: 12 - 14 reps x 2
up) EZ Bar Curls: 8 – 10 reps x 1
EZ Bar
Curls: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Dumbbell Curls: 12 - 14 reps (each arm) x 3
Curls: 12 - 14 reps x 2
DAY 5:
Shoulders & Calves
up) Seated Side Lat Raises: 8 – 10 reps x 4
Side Lat Raises: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Front Raises: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Dumbbell Press: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Rear Delt Flyes: 12 - 14 reps x 3
up) Machine Calf Raises: 8 – 10 reps x 4
Leg Calf Raises: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Machine Calf Raises: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Week 2
was good, especially Day 1 (Quads & Hamstrings) and Day 4 (Back and Biceps).
The DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) were crazy after these two sessions.
I have
a few articles lined up for over the coming weeks however I have been asked a
lot about my nutrition while on the Y3T program so I’ll post that on a separate
article within the next few weeks.
questions just comment below or tweet me @lee_malone or @AestheticLifest