Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Y3T Program - Week 2

So after hitting my 2B fast twitch muscle fibers in week one, it’s now time to hit my 2A fast twitch muscle fibers in week 2. This week will focus on a higher rep range meaning I’ll also be lower the weights.

Again I’ll be making sure I keep perfect form by really focusing on the muscles I’ll be using and also keep my rest periods down to 60 seconds. One last thing I want to add is although the program specifies a certain rep range (week 1: 8-10 reps and week 2: 14-16 reps) I always hit the top end.

One mental error that a lot of people make when lifting weights is they’ll say to themselves or their gym partner that they’re aiming for 12 but would be happy with 8. So come the 8th rep they’ve mental achieve what they’d be happy with and they’re beaten and their gym partner either has to spot the last 4 or they just give up. When the real goal and what they should be aiming for is 12 reps. Just think back to previous sessions or when you first started training and I’m sure you’ll be guilty of this, I know I am on countless times and that’s why now if I say I’m going for 12, I’m going to hit 12! Even if that means incorporating res pause, make sure you hit that 12 and don’t be mentally beaten.

So below are my training logs for the second week of the program. As of next week I’ll be posting them in a slightly different format along with the weights I used on each set.

DAY 1: Quads & Hamstrings

(warm up) Hack Squats:  8 – 10 reps x 4
Hack Squats: 14 - 16 reps x 4
Smith Machine Front Squats: 14 - 16 reps x 4
Leg Extensions: 14 - 16 reps x 4

(warm up) Lying Hamstring Curl: 8 - 10 reps x 4
Lying Hamstring Curl: 14 - 16 reps x 4
Single Hamstring Curl: 14 - 16 reps x 4
Stiff Leg Dumbbell deadlift: 14 - 16 reps x 4
(60 seconds rest between sets)

DAY 2: Chest & Triceps

(warm up) Pec Deck: 8 -10 reps x 3
Pec Deck: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Incline Smith Press: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Incline Flyes: 12 - 14 reps x 2
Incline Dumbbell Press: 12 - 14 reps x 2

(warm up) Seated Overhead Press: 8 10 reps x 4
Steated Overhead Press: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Weighted Dips: 12 - 14 reps x 2
EZ Bar Skull Crush: 12 - 14 reps x 2
Wide Tricep Push Down: 12 - 14 reps x 3

DAY 3: Rest Day

DAY 4: Back & Biceps

(warm up) Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 8 – 10 reps x 4
Wide Grip Pulldown: 12 - 14 reps x 4
T-Bar Row: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Seated Cable Row: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Rack Pulls: 12 - 14 reps x 2

(warm up) EZ Bar Curls: 8 – 10 reps x 1
EZ Bar Curls: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Standing Dumbbell Curls: 12 - 14 reps (each arm) x 3
Hammer Curls: 12 - 14 reps x 2

DAY 5: Shoulders & Calves

(warm up) Seated Side Lat Raises: 8 – 10 reps x 4
Seated Side Lat Raises: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Barbell Front Raises: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Seated Dumbbell Press: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Lying Rear Delt Flyes: 12 - 14 reps x 3

(warm up) Machine Calf Raises: 8 – 10 reps x 4
Single Leg Calf Raises: 12 - 14 reps x 3
Smith Machine Calf Raises: 12 - 14 reps x 3

Week 2 was good, especially Day 1 (Quads & Hamstrings) and Day 4 (Back and Biceps). The DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) were crazy after these two sessions.

I have a few articles lined up for over the coming weeks however I have been asked a lot about my nutrition while on the Y3T program so I’ll post that on a separate article within the next few weeks.

Any questions just comment below or tweet me @lee_malone or @AestheticLifest 

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Craig's Transformation

As you know from my very first post on here (Where it All Started) I set up this blog to not only document my progress, but to help people achieve their goals and to also further their knowledge of fitness and nutrition.

So when my good friend Craig asked me to help him out with a training and nutritional plan before he goes traveling for 12 months I jumped at the opportunity. Me and Craig have been friends for a good few years, we’ve worked together, trained in the gym together and even trained MMA together until Craig damaged his rotary cuff mid 2011 and needed an operation.

Two big factors I knew about Craig was that 1, he worked long hours 6 days a week and 2, I knew he’d give the program 110%. Although I’ve helped people out with certain aspects of their training or nutrition I’ve never wrtiiten a full program, so this was also something new to me and I knew Craig was putting a lot of trust in me also.

The first thing we did was meet up and go through the training side of things as I knew his shoulder could limit him on some exercises and with his busy job as an Upholster see how many days he could commit to the gym yet still have a life outside of the gym too.

Once we had the cardio and weight training side of the plan sorted we focused on the diet, things he liked, things he didn’t, food allergies etc. Once we had that complete we hit the supermarket and both stocked up on our weekly food shop along with electric scales and tupperwear, lots of tupperwear.

For the first few weeks me and Craig trained together roughly twice a week out of our 4/5 training days which was great for me as I normally train on my own, so it was really good to help push each other and we both hit various PB on certain lifts (Craig has a stupidly strong chest!). One thing Criag found tough to get his head around was the food prep during his spare time at weekends/evenings which was one of the reasons I put together my Food Prep article as that’s exactly how I prep my food and how Craig does his too.

Here’s Craigs before and after photo in just 6 weeks along with a email he sent over outlining he experience on the program.

Describe yourself in three words before starting the programme: average, bloated, low in confidence

Describe yourself in three words after completing the programme: Leaner, healthier, confident

What was the best part of the programme? Apart from the end result it’s the confidence I’ve gained within myself at the gym.

What was the worst part of the programme? Energy levels were low at the gym on low carb days.

Did the programme fit with your lifestyle? Yes it did, but it works both ways. Lee worked it too suit me but I also had to put in 100% commitment myself especially after long days at work etc.

What will you take from the programme and continue going forward?  The main thing is my diet and in the future I have a better knowledge of the foods I need to be having and when.

Craig Briscall:
With my long hours at work at working 6 days a week I didn’t think it was possible to have the time to able to commit to a strict eating & gym programme.
Lee gave me a 6 week programme which was not just easy to understand but explained everything perfectly and took in to account my hectic work schedule.

The effort he put in on getting the programme perfect to suit me drove me on to making sure I put 100% in through the whole 6 weeks. At times it was hard;

·      The high carb days left me feeling bloated.
·      The low carb days left me with no energy & feeling hungry.
·      The gym & preparing food after long hours at work were difficult until Lee went through his food prep with me.

Before I started the programme I struggled to gain weight, I was stuck in same gym routines, eating the wrong foods/amounts and had low confidence in my appearance. However, after completing the programme  I feel so much more confident in myself look wise (ready for the beach now!) I’ve always been shy about taking my top off on holiday, but feel I need to show off a bit after all the hard work over the last 6 weeks.
I feel my health has improved due to the right food and amounts. I also feel more awake and fresher in the mornings especially getting up at 6am and actually eating before work instead of waiting till 9am/10am to eat.
Throughout the 6 weeks Lee was quick to reply to any questions I had during my programme and went the extra mile to make sure I knew everything I needed to so I was confident in myself and the goals that I could reach.

Not only did my strength and fitness improve but I noticed a big improvement in my technique too. 

The difference in the way I feel, look and how pleased I am with the results are all down to Lee and I cannot thank him enough.

I would strongly recommend him to anyone that wants to improve their lifestyle. 

I seriously can’t thank Craig enough for not only trusting me with his training and nutrition but also giving the program 110%. I’m sure you’ll agree he looks great.

I know I mentioned a few weeks ago about AsetheticLifestyle vests being printed, well I picked up the first 2 on Friday for myself and Craig just in time for him leaving to travelling around Asia for 2 months then 10 months in Australia. I’ll be picking up all of the others on Thursday so if you haven’t already placed your order, get in touch! #TeamAL

Finally I just want to thank Craig, good luck travelling bro, stay safe and again congratulations to you and Jodie getting engaged. I will have more transformation articles up again, as soon as current programs are finished.

If you have any questions regarding Craigs transformation or the AsetheticLifestyle vests then either comment below or tweet me @lee_malone or @AestheticLifest.